firsly, ill have to ask in the renders section for someone to do it as i hae no rendering software, but i will ask dont worry.
about the puma badge, everyone makes mistakes. ill take skin files off and double check everythigns right before i re post. and ill just put some sponsors on the wings too.
EDIT: updated skin file. this ones the higer resolution one, WITH PUMA LOGO lol. and iv requested a render.
ok, as promised, the skin, theres a fairly high res one, then a lower res for lfsworld, which hasnt been uploaded so youll have to do it. there are a few bits which i wasnt sure about. and it is lacking in sponsors on the front and rear wings. i know its later than i sed it would be but iv been busy latley.
okay. yup you make sense lol. its not exactly asking people to do my work is it, i was looking for help. atnd i aint in that team anymore so its not down to me who does their skins.
i would give it a go but iv got a waiting list building up, and im not having much time lately, but if no1 replies and i have nothing to do i could have a go. IF no1 else replies and im free.
ill try and get base colour fniished tonight, then get all decals ready and on for tommorow night. then should be finished. nobody has any images from other angles do they?